5 Affordable Ways to an Energy-Efficient Home
Dealing with Common Plumbing Problems
Some Common Winter HVAC Problems
Troubleshooting Central Home Heating Systems
Boost Winter Energy Efficiency While You’re Away
Diagnosing and Troubleshooting Your Furnace
Winter Furnace Maintenance Tips
Bad Air in, Clean Air out: On Furnace Filters
Sensible Reasons to Hire a Qualified Electrician in Salt Lake City
Wiring a building isn’t as simple as following a blueprint and expecting it all to work. This delicate task requires expert knowledge of electrical systems to create logical and functional wiring. Utah locals who have reason to suspect troubles with their home or commercial electrical systems should call upon a qualified Salt Lake City electrician—like someone from ESCO Services, Inc., for instance—to troubleshoot problems before it is too late. Electrical system repairs are not only complicated but also potentially dangerous. A system that’s not properly grounded can pose electrocution hazards to those unfortunate enough to come into contact with it. Rather than deal with electrical problems on their own, residential and commercial property owners should leave the job in the hands of trained professionals who have the experience and equipment necessary for the appropriate solutions.
http://www.esconow.com/2013/11/sensible-reasons-hire-qualified-electrician-salt-lake-city/Trust a Salt Lake City Plumber to Keep Your Heater in Good Condition
Insulation and other measures can barely have any effect, however, if the water heating devices themselves are defective. Water heaters, which are some of the most used devices during wintertime, may develop troubles without warning. This is especially true if the heating equipment is in between scheduled maintenance periods. Rather than attempt DIY repairs, it would be wiser to call in a trusted Salt Lake City plumber with proven expertise in home heating concerns. There comes a time when a water heater fails to perform its most basic task, i.e. produce enough hot water. Gas-powered water heaters are often crippled by defective gas pilot control valves, while faulty thermostats are the bane of most electric water heaters. While comprehensive DIY instructional guides can show you how to replace these faulty components, you’ll no doubt need the expertise of an experienced Salt Lake City plumber to prevent such problems from getting worse.
http://www.esconow.com/2013/11/trust-salt-lake-city-plumber-keep-heater-good-condition/Installing Proper Insulation in Salt Lake City Homes to Save on Energy
Most homeowners invest considerably in the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems of their homes. However, the effectiveness and efficiency of these systems may be highly compromised without proper insulation. Insufficient insulation can cause your HVAC system to work harder, and thus generate higher energy costs. Good insulation is essential in protecting Salt Lake City homes from the cold, snowy winters and the long hot summers the city gets. As Angie Hicks says in her article, homeowners may inspect their existing insulation and find out if it is still functioning as effectively as it should; however, some of the insulation, such as those tucked in walls, are not easily accessible for assessment. Professional energy audit teams dispatched by Salt Lake City insulation experts like ESCO Services Inc. can conduct more thorough insulation inspections.
http://www.esconow.com/2013/11/installing-proper-insulation-salt-lake-city-homes-save-energy/Optimizing Heating in Salt Lake City to Reduce Energy Consumption
Cost-conscious Salt Lake City locals will certainly be displeased at the prospect of having to pay extra to keep their homes warm and comfy during winter. However, homeowners don’t have to pay an arm and a leg to enjoy sufficient warmth if they can optimize their heating systems. A Salt Lake City heating expert like ESCO Services, Inc. can help local residents make the most out of their heaters and enjoy lower energy bills. To ensure that your heater is indeed energy efficient, you need to clean and maintain it as often as necessary. Take note that dirt buildup can put a significant strain on your heating system, thus, forcing the device to expend more energy while in operation. Replace dirty and worn-out filters, seal any cracks where hot or cold air could seep through, and ensure that heater pipes and ductwork are adequate insulated to keep your energy expenses from ballooning.
http://www.esconow.com/2013/11/optimizing-heating-salt-lake-city-reduce-energy-consumption/Annual Inspection of Salt Lake Heating Systems Helps Protect Families
According to the report, nobody was harmed because the leak was caught early, although another incident in the same article makes mention of a man passing out. Since carbon monoxide doesn't have any odor, it is very difficult to determine when it's leaking until it's already too late. Gas furnaces produce small amounts of carbon monoxide during their operation and, if the equipment is in good condition, the substance is safely expelled from the home through the furnace's venting. Gas furnaces that are not cleaned and maintained well cannot work efficiently and may produce large amounts of the substance. Moreover, as time passes, the furnace's combustion chamber may develop cracks not easily visible, and it is through these cracks that carbon monoxide can leak into the home. This is why homeowners should make it a point to get themselves some Salt Lake City heating repair and maintenance services from companies like ESCO Heating.
http://www.esconow.com/2013/11/annual-inspection-salt-lake-heating-systems-helps-protect-families/Turn to a Salt Lake City Heating Contractor for Furnace Maintenance
Meanwhile, you also need to determine if a few enhancements can help keep your existing furnace in good condition or whether you need to invest in a new heating system altogether. After a detailed inspection, a trusted heating contractor in Utah may recommend the replacement of an old furnace riddled with too many defects. Reliable heating specialists can offer excellent advice and installation services for the best heating equipment that best suits your needs and lifestyle. You need a problem-free and efficient gas furnace that provides optimum warmth and comfort to survive harsh winter conditions. To ensure the equipment's functionality, you might want to contact reliable heating specialists like ESCO Services, Inc. for seasonal inspection and repair services before it is too late. In cases where a replacement is required, you can also count on these professionals for quality installation services.
http://www.esconow.com/2013/11/turn-salt-lake-city-heating-contractor-furnace-maintenance/A Quick Guide to Performing Do It Yourself Furnace Repair in Utah
Winter is one harsh season. This fact can be felt in Utah’s largest city, Salt Lake City, with temperatures there fluctuating to below-zero levels. Such extreme temperatures require Salt Lake residents to extensively use their furnace and heating systems. Frequent furnace usage during the harsh winter months eventually brings wear and tear, and will require the help of Utah furnace repair experts. Here are some of the things that one can do to maintain a gas furnace before calling in professional help: Pilot light The pilot light is the ignition source of many gas furnaces. It must be ensured that the pilot light is always on, or the furnace will not run. Make sure that the pilot opening is also clean, and that the settings will make sure that the pilot light will stay lit. If your pilot light has gone out, gas will not feed into the burner, even though all other systems in the furnace are functioning properly. If so, all you will need to do is re-light it.
http://www.esconow.com/2013/11/quick-guide-performing-furnace-repair-utah/Furnace Repair in Salt Lake City, UT: You Might Be in Need of One
Furnace Repair in Salt Lake City, UT Apparently, companies providing furnace maintenance services don't always label the work similarly. There are also instances when they describe the work differently. That being said, it isn't safe to assume that the work offered by one company is essentially the same as that of the other. What then is the best defense for a consumer like you? That would be discussing exactly how your potential service providers are going to be of help. That's better than making comparisons based on assumptions. Nevertheless, replace your furnace if it's beyond repair. “You'll have the opportunity to install equipment that incorporates the most energy-efficient heating technologies available,” as pointed out by an article published on the website of Energy.gov.
http://www.esconow.com/2013/11/furnace-repair-salt-lake-city-ut-might-need-one/Energy Economy: How Home Insulation Saves Cash
Tips on How to Save on Salt Lake Heating Costs This Winter Season
Minimizing the use of their heaters may help reduce their Salt Lake heating costs, but that will call for a lot of sacrifices on their part. Fortunately, there are simple maintenance measures that they can do to ensure that their central heating systems perform at their optimum best and ensure energy efficiency, such as regularly cleaning or changing their HVAC filters. Filters that are clogged with dust and dirt tend to make HVACs work harder than necessary, leading to more energy consumption and increased energy costs. Another thing that homeowners can do to save on heating costs is to have their ductwork sealed and their windows caulked. Any gaps will allow the warm air to escape, making their heat sources do more work than necessary to keep the home warm. However, if all these measures have been done, and there is still no improvement, it may be time for homeowners to call a Salt Lake City heating repair contractor to inspect the whole equipment and check for possible faulty com
http://www.esconow.com/2013/11/tips-save-salt-lake-heating-costs-winter-season/How to Inspect Your Heating Before Winter
Replace PEX Pipes with the Help of a Skilled Plumber in Salt Lake City
The main issue appears to be with the cross-linked polyethylene (PEX) pipes that make up the Kitec system. Those with this kind of plumbing system should call a plumber in Salt Lake City for an immediate replacement. The problem began in 2011 when several homeowners reported of their PEX pipes bursting all of a sudden despite being relatively new. One family in Windsor, Ont. received a water bill amounting to a whopping $13,000 due to a broken PEX pipe. While this was happening, the manufacturers were already engaged in a class-action lawsuit.
http://www.esconow.com/2013/11/replace-pex-pipes-with-the-help-of-a-skilled-plumber-in-salt-lake-city/When to Call an HVAC Expert Technician
Keep Your Household Safe through Comprehensive Furnace Repair in Utah
Fuel-based furnaces can leak carbon monoxide if they suffer from clogged vents, back drafts, equipment malfunction, and cracks along the heat exchanger. If left unchecked, the traces of carbon monoxide within a home can rise to dangerous levels and cause a person to feel queasy and faint, or even die. Once they suspect a leakage, homeowners should call a service for furnace repair in Utah to quickly fix it before it gets worse. An SLC furnace repair company like ESCO can pinpoint any problem areas a heating system could have and address them immediately. Such professionals can also be tasked to clean and unclog vents and ducts that could cause carbon monoxide gas buildup. Even if a homeowner does not have a detector installed, he can always rely on an HVAC contractor to safely control the leakage.
http://www.esconow.com/2013/10/keep-household-safe-comprehensive-furnace-repair-utah/Picking the Right Guys for a Heater Repair Job
Prevent Residential Fire with the Help of a Salt Lake City Electrician
It wasn't until the early 1980s when the breakers were redesigned and passed safety tests with flying colors. Nevertheless, many old homes were carrying a breaker that would fail if the wires overheat. Avoid your home from being included in the 2,800 fire incidences being reported every year due to a breaker failure. A replacement breaker may start at $500, but no amount is comparable to the lives, as well as homes, you can save. Contact an electrician in Salt Lake City for information on possible replacement breakers.
http://www.esconow.com/2013/11/prevent-residential-fire-help-salt-lake-city-electrician/Air Seal Your Attic for Efficient Insulation in Salt Lake City Homes
If you choose to work on air sealing your attic on your own, be sure to set the project on a cool day. Wear the appropriate protective equipment like some safety gloves, comfortable and disposable clothing, and a mask or respirator. Aside from your attic, there are many other areas in your home that need to be sealed for air. A professional insulation contractor in Salt Lake City should have the necessary knowledge to weed out these areas and seal them. With efficient air sealing and insulation, your house should be all set to weather out the winter cold and protect you and your family. In this light, you might also want to have your heating system and equipment checked and repaired.
http://www.esconow.com/2013/11/air-seal-attic-efficient-insulation-salt-lake-city-homes/Spotting Troubles in Electric Furnaces
Setting Up the Heating of Salt Lake City Homes to Prepare for Winter
The first day that you begin to use your furnace again, keep track of its performance and efficiency, and keep doing this all throughout the week. If you detect a problem, contact a trusty contractor in your area immediately for reliable Salt Lake City heater repair. Unless you have prior experience diagnosing and repairing heaters, you might want to leave it to the pros. Preparation is your home's best defense against the harsh attacks of the winter cold and frost. Your home will in turn keep you and your family safe and sound while you remain under your roof. Always remember, though, to keep maintaining your heater throughout the winter to ensure that it doesn't give out on an inconvenient time.
http://www.esconow.com/2013/11/setting-heating-salt-lake-city-homes-prepare-winter/Differentiating Your Furnaces by Temperature Control
Hiring a Heating Contractor in Salt Lake City for Fall Maintenance
Homeowners with gas furnaces actually have it easy because these systems are relatively simple to maintain. They can start by cleaning the vent covers, air ducts, and blowers since these components tend to accumulate dust and dirt over the years. However, if homeowners suspect they have problems with their gas valves, it's recommended that they call a trusted heating contractor in Salt Lake City to fix the problem. Homeowners who tinker with their gas valves by themselves, even if they don't quite know what they're doing, are likely to put themselves in danger. Heating systems, no matter how durable their manufacturers claim them to be, need regular maintenance in order to perform efficiently. Cleaning gas furnace components is something that any homeowners can do, but more complex tasks like troubleshooting gas valves are best left to a professional heating contractor in Utah like the ones from Esco Services, Inc.
http://www.esconow.com/2013/10/hiring-heating-contractor-salt-lake-city-fall-maintenance/Tips on Preparing Your Furnace in Salt Lake City for the Winter Season
Efficiency is the name of the game, and folks will want to make sure that their heaters are working optimally so that energy won't get wasted. A little preventative repair can save them hundreds of dollars on their energy bills, so even the smallest of flaws shouldn't be missed. Contractors such as ESCO can be called upon to inspect and fix a furnace in Salt Lake City to bring it back to maximum efficiency. As time passes, the efficiency of furnaces tends to dip, leading to a loss of heating power. Naturally, this means that the device will need to expend more energy to keep up with heating demands, hurting a homeowner's budget. It might be tempting to completely replace an old furnace, but in some cases a simple repair can restore the efficiency of an older model.